Friday, January 15, 2010


Hello again current and future clients and friends:

I believe I live my live according to principles other than those of the mainstream; truthfully, fitting in is just not a skill I was never able to master... for better or worse.

Anyway, I apply the same philosophy to my real estate dealings. Have you as a home-owner ever considered selling in the off-season? Traditionally, Spring and Fall are the busy times, but real estate moves in every month. In Dec 09, 5500+ people sold their Toronto properties, out of a total of 87,000 sold in 2009.

Imagine you have planned to go on a trip. You have researched destinations, and know in your heart that you must and want to go. So, you book a 10:00pm flight, because the airport seems very busy at that time, and all those people must know something, have some special insight. However, what is the day of the flight like? Chances are it is filled with dead time, anxiety and impatience. Furthermore, your holiday can only begin the day after.

How about doing it differently? You know this trip is coming down the pipeline, so why not book your flight for 10:00am instead? You will have spent the day flying, instead of watching the clock, and you would be able to begin your vacation 1/2 earlier, instead of one day later! Plus, the airport is much less likely to be packed with other travelers, jostling and elbowing you for a place in line.

How does this apply to your move?

  • In preparing your home for selling, you are also preparing yourself to move, NOW, instead of thinking about it for later.
  • The buyers around in Jan and Feb, although fewer, are definitely more serious
  • Your home, if priced correctly, will be positioned front and center for those buyers, as the listing pool will be smaller
  • By the time your home is sold, maybe even before March, you will be ready financially to buy
  • You will be first in line to choose the best from the increasing pool of listings
Why not take action early, and purchase your new home from
a position of power, confidence and groundedness???

warmest regards,
Lindsay K

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